Sam Kaye

Some Nigerians are so dangerously and religiously inclined that they hardly know what wrong or right mores are even within their creed. They follow religion blindly and end up sometimes worshipping the very religion instead of the Almighty God. Some fuse their vain traditions to their religions making it quite difficult for none practitioners of over 1000 other religions to understand them. That was why Jesus Christ slammed the traditionalists within the Judaism religion in Israel for refusing to recognize Him as the way, the truth and life above what they know as laws, draconian or not as spelt out by their progenitor Moses.

When people bend over to add their vein traditions into their religion it becomes deadly especially when young people are involved. When the insertion of human induced traditions are coming from those who should know like Pastors, Imams and Ulamas as it applies, none practitioners become more confused if they don’t know the fundamentals of their creed.

Many residents in Nigeria have become slaves to religion such that they hardly know the God they claim to worship and how He reasons and thinks. Some do not even know the thoughts of God towards them which are thoughts of good and not of evil. They turn themselves into guinea pigs of their so called religions ready to be used on the slaughter slab for wickedness instead of good like children of God or heirs apparent of the kingdom of heaven. That is why many young people fall easy prey to devious politicians who use them to kill one another during electioneering periods.

How then do young people process directives to murder a neighbour or just an opposition member during political periods without asking questions? How can one explain why people take the laws into their hands in the name of religion? People killing in the name of a weak god who cannot fight for himself. Killing women and children without a second thought that they share a common humanity. There is so much confusion from religious bigots that sometimes you try to physically protect the women and children from harm but rather they feel they should be protecting you in the name of religion. How then do you explain a girl young enough to be your daughter stepping out of a vehicle for his grand father to go in before she sits at the door end of the car which is the danger zone for car crashes or even summersaults? The federal road safety Corps have warned that children must never be seen sitting close to the doors of vehicles without protection. And if they must, the locks must be intact.

Strange traditions killing religion practiced in some climes

If you are a visitor to Maiduguri, don’t be surprised if a small girl little enough to be your daughter stepping out of a Keke napep and forcing you her daddy’s mate to go into the keke before getting into the edge of the seat. In sanner climes the men are programmed to protect the women no matter what. If there is an accident, the men must die first protecting the women. They are wired from birth to protect the women no matter how strong they look .

Children are not allowed to sit close to the doors because of accident and security reasons. Men are stationed at the doors to protect all those inside the vehicle not the other way round. Likewise the men are supposed to take the fall for their female counterparts. This means that if a Keke Napep gets involved in an accident with a vehicle which is stronger, the men who are at the doors are supposed to be the first victims. The women and children are not supposed to be wounded were the men are .But in Maiduguri, the women prefer to be the first victims to be wounded in the case of emergencies rather than allow the men to take the fall for them or even paying the supreme sacrifice for them to stay alive. There is no religion that supports this kind of abomination. They are just practicing the mores of some of their misguided teachings
A strange and obscene culture not found in other states of northern Nigeria. And some of them would want you to accept it as the grand norm in northern Nigeria.
Man made cultures spiced with extremism. No wonder people can do anything in the name of religion.



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